Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fruits of the Spirit

Ok, so I was laying in the bed last night and something kept running through my mind as it does pretty much every night. Why am i not truly happy? When i say that, i don't mean that im not happy with my life, bc i am. But i feel as though im not truly happy with myself so therefore it shows on the outside. So, i asked God, why don't i feel happy? Why am i always angry with myself and my actions? Why can't i do the things i need to do to be closer to you? Well, so many things kept running through my mind. The main thing was the fruits of the spirit. How can I even remotely get close to God if i don't have the basics in my life like he tells me to do. This being the fruits of the spirit. Well, obviously God knows me and he knows how hard it is for me to just sit down and read the bible..... so i thought why don't I focus on studying the fruits of the spirit and blog about it! So, I am going to start at the beginning and do a fruit a week, and not only am i going to read about them, I am going to do my best to apply it to my life everyday even if it kills me! Then i will come tell you all about it! The good and the bad! I just have to make some changes in my life and i am ready! I think that its pretty hard to not get close to God when you bury yourself in his word and apply it! Duh! So, here it goes!!!!


  1. I think this is an excellant idea. Just keep at it and don't give up. Maybe I can do this with you? The fruit tree has to be pruned and furtilized etc. I think you can obtain the fruits in your life but you still have to maintain. For example,a small "pest" or fungus can destroy a tree. That's why it's a life long challenge. But with God's Word and good furtile soil (in your heart),God can reap a great harvest in your life!

  2. KaSondra
    I know you have been pretty busy, but don't forget to get back to this when you can. I read something good today. It was written by Max Lucado. I will share it with you:
    I choose love..
    No occasion justifies hatred;
    No injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love.
    Today I will love God and what God loves.

    It's a beautiful statement. There are a lot of other great sentiments about love. This is only one of them but I thought I would share it with you.
